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04 Awesome Online Business Strategies (Part 3)

01.Online Language Tutoring
There are a lot of great companies that offer online tutoring services across the world for people who want to learn a new language. If you’re in the United States and are a native English speaker, you might be a good candidate for one of these jobs. You can increase your chances of landing a good online tutoring position by getting an associate’s degree or other certified degree in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL).
As an online tutor, you’ll contract with the tutoring service. This means that, while they pay you, you’re basically running your own contracting business. You’ll have to stick to their terms of service while you’re working with them (like no contracting with competing services), and you’ll have to work either late at night or very early in the mornings if you teach people on the other side of the world.
Teaching another language can be a lot of fun. In some instances you work in online classroom settings with groups of four to five children. In other situations you might be tutoring adults one on one or simply holding conversations with people who want extra practice.
02.Be a YouTube Expert

If you’re a hands-on, crafty kind of person, consider running your own YouTube channel to teach people what comes naturally to you. You can create short videos about anything from turning wooden bowls on a lathe to changing a tire or knitting a sweater. 
In order to make money on YouTube, you’ll need to create a channel, enable monetizing, and add Google AdSense to your site. You can also make money by referring viewers to other websites you own where you can sell digital material such as longer videos or e-books in your specialty areas. While a YouTube channel might not provide you with a full time income, it might be a fun way to supplement the other things you do.
While we're talking creative, what about starting an Etsy store?
03.E-books and Digital Content
Writing and selling your own E-books and shorter digital content can be profitable if you know what you’re doing and how to market your own work. Besides nonfiction E-books, you can provide long-form reports or even fiction novellas.
For fiction novellas, consider creating a following on a free site like Wattpad or DeviantArt and then linking back to full length work that you want to sell. Amazon has services to help you set up your books in its Kindle store for free.
Nonfiction books, particularly in how-to categories, sell well in niche markets, so you could dovetail your affiliate marketing services with your own authority products.
Besides writing, you can provide digital content like illustrated book covers or independent music that people can use on their own websites, for book trailers or in their own marketing campaigns. You can even sell photos you take through sites like Pixaby or Shutterstock.
04.Online Expert Consulting
This business system is a little bit like running an expert YouTube channel and a little bit like being an online tech support expert.  The main elements include setting yourself up as an expert in a particular area and offering your services through an online platform like a personal website.
Consider Calliope Writing Coach, whose online courses and one-on-one telephone coaching services help new or struggling writers land requests from agents and traditional book publishers. There’s also Excel Leadership, whose services include online classes and telephone training for leadership and career coaching.
What these businesses do is sell themselves as experts with a service to provide. They’ve taken the time to build significant followings and provide success stories. People who set themselves up as experts this way often charge high prices for their work. If you have an area of expertise that you can offer in a professional way online, it might be an option worth considering.
Please continue watching this page, because I’ll add new ideas as they come up. Also, if you have ideas for online businesses you’d like to share, please leave a comment below.


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